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We’ll be temporarily stopping all new loom production through December 31 - Special 'Limited On-Hand' Sale!

If you have ever hankered to own a Kairos inkle loom – with its one-of-a-kind ‘fingers free’ shed opener (patent pending) – right now is the time you’ll need to act


We’ll be temporarily stopping all new loom production through December 31.  After five years of nose(s) to the grindstone making and selling our Kairos inkle looms, we – a couple of tired and long-in-the-tooth folks – are finally taking a long-overdue break.


As of 3/17/25, all Freyja model looms are sold out


As of 3/24, only two (2) Skagit model looms are still available.  Once they are gone out the door, that’s it - at least until the start of 2026!  What’s the saying, “You snooze, you lose!”.


To see, and place, an order, go to  On the main menu, click on All Products.  From there you can get details of any of these three models, including if any are still available to buy.


ALSO - One 'Cosmetic Second’ Skagit model Ready for Sale - UPDATE - 3/24, SOLD!

This ready-to-ship Skagit model is cosmetically less than perfect, but otherwise in perfect functional shape.  The picture below shows where pegs come through the back of the base rather than being in ‘stopped holes’.


Discounted $35.  Just one $35 discount coupon.  To buy this ‘second’ you must email us and request the special coupon (include your full name).  We’ll activate the coupon for 24 hours.  Easy to apply at the ordering cart.


Again, first to ask, the only one to get it.  


AND LASTLY - Our Final Pre-2026 Production - 2 Pro Model - UPDATE - BOTH SOLD!

Our final Production run - to be completed and shipped in May - will be just two (2) Pro model looms (6” pegs),The first two orders for these Pro models will be the winners.


Our Pro information will show now as Out-of-Stock.  Once we have received the first two orders - which will be accepted, to be shipped in May - we will close that model again as out-of-stock, but without the ability to place an order (until, 2026!)


My revolutionary “Fingers Free” Shed Opener frees you from doing that, and let's you focus on your weaving artistry.  Click the video above to see what I mean why it helps anyone who wants to do portable tabletop inkle weaving.





AND I'm also perfect for anyone suffering from upper body pain or fatigue ... or hand or finger pain ... or limitations that might otherwise stop you from inkle band weaving!


REMEMBER that I'm equipped with our revolutionary Fingers Free Warp Shed Opener - which allows you to enjoy an increased ease of creative achievement with an inkle loom that is specifically designed to let you more comfortably and healthily create narrow band weavings. 

Ask inkle loom weavers why they have a passion for their narrow band weaving loom, you’ll get a multitude of answers.  That’s because the inkle loom is your doorway to endless fun and creativity, to a shared community of tens of thousands other inkle loom weavers, and especially, to the pleasure of bringing your own weaving creations into existence.  



What can I help you create?  Here is just a small sampling to whet your creative weaving appetite: belts...purse straps...shoelaces...napkin rings...instrument straps...plant hangers...hat bands...costume trim...bag get the idea.


Don’t stop with basic bands.  Embellish your Inkle bands with beads, tassels, fringe etc. to personalize your bands for yourself, gift giving and even, selling them!


Beyond the basics.  Can you also do card weaving on me?  Yes.  Simply remove my Finger's Free Shed Opener, and off you go (takes about 10 seconds).  Can you do pick-up weaving?  YES.  In fact, it is quite often easier with my shed opener.  You get the best of both worlds.

Decisions, Decisions ... So Many Looms, So Many Choices!

When Henry Ford introduced his first car, the model T, in 1908, he was said to tell buyers, “You can have it in any color  you want – as long as it’s black.”


Just as the Model T just in black is now obsolete, the same thing can be said regarding the typical inkle loom’s appearance --- until now, you were limited to mostly just in tan.


But now, oh my, you need to open your peepers wide and take a gander at our limited-supply Signature Collection!  You want choices, boy howdy, do we have choices for you --- often built with exotic woods, some showing off multiple woods in the same loom, and some even transforming the wood itself!  And because these are pretty rare to make - we make them when time permits, and we find exceptional exotic wood - you have to act fast to become its owner.

Our Freyja Model

Freyja_on rock_2.jpg


(Pronounced "fray-yuh")

A constant request has now been fulfilled – “I love your looms, but they are too long for my space.  Can Kairos make a smaller model Kairos inkle loom that meets the needs of us space-limited folks – yet offers the quality and functionality of your bigger inkle looms?


Meet Freyja (pronounced fray-yuh, the Scandinavian name of a goddess of beauty).  Freyja is 22” long (6 inches shorter than our Skagit and Pro models), that still allows bands warped up to 8.5 feet long.  And its 5/8” x 4.5” pegs allow for a whopping maximum warped band width of 4.25”!

Freyja comes with all the goodies we include with our Skagit and Pro models.



Our Skagit Model

(Pronounced "ska-jet")

You have our excellent standard tabletop ‘Skagit’ model.  It offers you everything you want in your remarkably improved loom to maximize your creative inkle loom weaving desires …


Including Very Special Features:


Our revolutionary patent-pending ‘Fingers Free’ Shed Opener’ makes creating your weaving shed openings a snap.


Our front sliding tensioner provides a full 6+” of travel (much more than the industry normal).


14 other improvements rarely found together on other inkle looms that improve and assist your creative weaving passions.


Our Inkle Pro Model

Pro model_no stain_front.jpg
Pro model_no stain.jpg


Do you want to go beyond regular inkle weaving widths?  Don't want to have to move to a floor loom because you like the convenience of the tabletop inkle loom? 


We have just the loom for you!


This is our professional level inkle loom, heavy duty equipped with 6" pegs for the experienced weaver who wants the ability to weave wider bands - up to 5.75" starting width warps!​


To support this substantial increase in peg lengths - 5.75" usable - other parts of this loom have been made heavier and more reinforced.


Also Includes our Very Special Features:


Our revolutionary patent-pending ‘Fingers Free’ Shed Opener’ makes creating your weaving shed openings a snap.


Our front sliding tensioner provides a full 6.5” of travel (much more than the industry normal).


14 other improvements rarely found together on other inkle looms.

Our Signature Collection

Mahogany_right side_quartering_#1.jpg

$669- $795

This is one of our Limited Edition pride-of-ownership collections.


You want to own and create with an inkle loom that only a few people in the entire world possess?


These eye-catching looms are guaranteed to stand out in a crowd of inkle looms.


Only available – and in limited quantities - when we discover richly colored and grained hard woods that we then incorporate into different individual looms.  They really are show offs!  Take a look at our current choices and you will see why we can say that.


And it also offers you every feature found in our Skagit Model that you want in your inkle loom to maximize your creative inkle loom weaving desires, including our revolutionary ‘Fingers Free’ Warp Shed Opener.


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