Our Skagit Model

Kairos Inkle Looms
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Our Loom’s Wood
More than Simply a Piece of Wood
Just as no two humans are perfectly alike, no to trees are perfectly alike. In the wild, the tree which is now a part of our loom’s wood might look superficially just like another of the same species, but when you look inside that tree you will see differences that make it unique – just like humans.
When you look at our loom’s wood, don’t be surprised to see some irregularities. That is not a mistake on our part. We want you to know you could own a loom that comes with a history, with character, blemishes and all.
Those are not imperfections in the wood, they are their ‘badges of life’. Those are part of the wood’s life’s experiences that make each of our loom’s wood unique.
The tree that provided this wood started out just like all others of its species. But then, just as with humans, that tree was subjected to many different tree-life-changing events, conditions and environments...
Was it crowded in with other trees, some that restricted its sunlight – so it had to fight for its very existence, or was it a more open area that allowed it full opportunity to grow?
Was it a cold environment, which forced the tree to pull in on its growing, or instead warm, which allowed the tree’s sap to provide more food to grow?
Was it moist growing ground, that encouraged easy growth, or, dry environment where your loom’s tree had to struggle to get the water to keep itself alive?
Did it grow straight, or needed to bend as it grew –permanently changing its grain’s path along its length?
Did the weather fluctuate on different years, which would distort its normal growing pattern, creating eccentricities in its grain patterns?
Was it attacked by fungus, disease, beetles, birds, or others that made use of it, either as a source of food or even lodging? And how did that affect that tree?
Did it have times of having many branches, then fewer branches, either which left knots within itself, that we still see knots in that wood as witness to its development?
Was its own DNA designed to create an erratic directional pattern to its growth rings?
Even the nutrients pulled from the ground affected how your loom’s tree’s growth, as well as its outer and inner shape. Just as humans need minerals to grow and stay healthy, so did your loom’s tree.
So when you look closely at a Kairos loom, we hope that you will see more than just a piece of wood. We’d love for you to see – as we do – just one part of a unique tree that grew typically for 25 to 50 years, gathering its ‘badges of life’, and appreciate where your Kairos inkle loom's wood came from, as well as what it had to experience to finally contribute to your band weaving creations.
Yes, we do want you to never look at your unique loom in the future as just a wooden loom.
Gail & Richard